Training after a break: demand the best!

Coaching après une rupture amoureuse

Training after a breakIf you are discovering my site for the first time, you cannot know all my expertise in love life and also my unique philosophy of following men or women, in different areas of love life. I have indeed followed thousands of people in search of love, saving both lives, but also in a discipline that is probably the most complex and in which I am today an undisputed expert in Europe, and perhaps in the world, i.e. recovering an ex after a breakup.

Teaching how to recover from an ex after a breakup is truly an art because it requires both the mastery of certain emotional and communication tools as well as a perfect knowledge of human psychology. There are many subtleties because every procedure, even the smallest, must be carefully determined, and personal development is never far away because elements such as self-confidence or control of one’s emotions are an integral part of reconquest and participate in the success or failure of strategies. This is why going to a trusted specialist can change everything.

“Femme Actuelle” magazine confirms this, coaching with Alexandre Cormont works!

Every person wants the best for his love life and if this is also your case, it is clear that you have come to the right place! This is not a disproportionate claim, as it is far from being my cup of tea, but rather an observation of the well-known magazine “Femme Actuelle” who devoted an article to my method and the resulting results.

In this case, it was the woman I was following and her name is Fabienne. The latter just got out of a breakup and her ex didn’t want to come back, what’s worse, he even started a relationship with another woman. Thanks to love recovery coaching, she was able to change her behavior, understand her ex-husband better and finally win him back within a few weeks and when everything seemed completely lost to her. I was like her last chance and luckily for her, she made the right choice.

Needless to say, the choice of coach you will make will be decisive for the rest of your love life. So, before booking an appointment and if you want to make the right choice, I will give you some advice. Learn about his training, his experience, his philosophy, and the number of articles he’s written on a variety of topics related to what you’re looking for.

To learn more about me, just go to this presentation page. But if you want to know opinions about my training, I offer you below a screenshot of my page after the comments just left after training after the break.

They brought back the ex after training!

The first question that nine out of ten people ask me is: “Alexander, will I really be able to get my ex back?” Is coaching works to get your ex back? »

The answer will probably surprise you, but YES, coaching to get your ex back works!

Statistically speaking, by calling a professional trainer with real experience, you increase your chances of a comeback. The reasons are simple, you benefit from relevant advice, an objective view of your story, but above all from a strategy indeed adapted to the expectations of his ex. This is what allows me to achieve such spectacular results, as evidenced by these various testimonials received directly by e-mail or in the comments on my site.

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For the first training in regaining love, it is preferable to prefer a one-hour session so that I can better understand the details of your story, but also your past love, your ex, as well as your desires. This will allow me to get inside your ex’s head and understand his needs so that you can meet them. In one hour we will have enough time to discuss these many points, which is more complicated in 30 minutes, even if of course it is still possible.

One hour of coaching after the interruption takes place over the phone as follows:
– 5 to 10 minutes of mutual presentation
– Approximately 40 minutes for a conversation about the relationship, during which I will ask you specific questions, and you will tell me your story. This is so that I can improve my analysis and give you the best advice.
– Finally, in the last 10 to 15 minutes, there is the implementation of a precise action plan to make your ex react and to adopt the right strategy.

To find out more about coaching or to book your session directly, either face-to-face, over the phone or even by email, simply go to the coaching page which you can access from the menu at the top on the red background or by clicking directly here: I want to access the training site.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the rest of the testimonials below, and if you want more, just ask me in the messages in the contact section or in the comments, and I’ll send you a few privately or even add some to this article!

I sincerely wish you all the best in your recovery and in your love life in general, with or without love coaching!


Alexandre Cormont,

A love counselor after a breakup or to save your couple

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