How to invite someone on a date via SMS

how to ask someone on a date over text

Wondering how to ask someone out via text?

You have come to the right place! 🙂

Today we will share with you our TOP 10 ways how to invite someone on a date via SMS. These ten tips that we will share with you today have been tried and tested by us, as well as by our friends and acquaintances with whom we have shared these tips. Each of them had their own positive results and feedback – and so will you!

1. Use “Would you”

This is by far the easiest way to ask someone out via SMS. It doesn’t put any pressure on your txtmate, yet gives off a vibe of confidence and masculinity or femininity (if you’re female). Use “would” by offering several different date options, do you want to go out for ice cream or dinner? Using this question allows the person reading your txt to choose which date they want to go on with you—instead of you choosing one for them. You can also change your tone of voice to reflect a more confident question, so it almost implies that they would like it. There are many more options available with this type of question compared to others. And remember, if she (or he) says no… that’s okay.

2. Use “What are your weekend plans?”

You can use this method if you know your txtmate has a busy life. This will give them a chance to tell you their plans, thus allowing you to ask them out on a date. In this case, it doesn’t have to be anything epic or super-fancy—as long as they say yes.

3. Use “What are you doing this weekend?”

This is another version of how to invite someone on a date in a subtle way via SMS. Again, it still gives off that confidence and masculinity/femininity (if you’re female) effect. However, using this method allows for even more freedom in choosing the type of date you go on. If they are free, ask them out. Don’t wait for a second chance and if you wait too long, the opportunity may slip away! Especially if there is attraction at first sight.

4. Use “Are you busy this weekend?”

Use this question if you know your txtmate is not busy on weekends. Maybe it’s your good friend who can’t go on a date during the week because he/she works a lot during the weekdays. In any case, use this type of question when you want to take advantage of their free time. Of course, just being friends with them will leave a good impression. On a side note, be careful with this approach if you imply that you already know they’re not busy, as some people might find it too demanding or demanding on their time.

5. Use “This Saturday, a friend and I are going to…”

If you want to ask someone out, but you’re not sure if they have plans for the weekend, use this question. It will allow you to feel free to tell them your plans for the weekend—because it’s indirect enough that it doesn’t make them feel like you’re asking them specifically, but instead gives them the option to invite them if they feel excited or interested in what you’re doing. This also applies if the two of you are already going somewhere together with another friend or friends (if applicable). In that case, using this question will be another opportunity to ask them out, spend more time together, and then open up and ask them out on a date, just the two of you.

how to invite someone on a date via SMS
how to invite someone on a date via SMS

6. Use “I was wondering if you wanted coffee/drinks/dinner/etc.”

This is another way to ask someone out via SMS that applies to different types of people. Whether they are introverts or extroverts, this question applies equally well. That’s because the words “coffee” are so vague—and drinking coffee doesn’t have to be romantic at all! If you think your txtmate would say yes, ask them out with this simple question.

7. Use “Maybe we could catch a movie/play/concert/sports game”

Use this question if you know your txtmate has an interest in movies, plays, concerts, sports games, etc. This will show them that you are willing to do something they enjoy. Even if the person says no, it won’t be a total loss because then you can suggest another idea (like going for coffee) and ask again. That’s what I love about this question; does not release any pressure!

8. How to ask someone out via text – use “I was wondering if…”

This is another take on how to ask someone out via text—and it applies whether you know your txtmate well or not. It will show the person reading your txt that you are interested in becoming better friends with them, but will still let them know that there could be something more between the two of you if you decide to go on a date. The best part about this question is that it is so simple and straightforward!

9. Use “Do you have free time this weekend?”

When texting a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, use this question to ask if you two can meet up or hang out sometime this weekend. This question will let them know their plans for what’s going on for the weekend—and from there, you can plan how to ask your txtmate out, if applicable. Just remember: don’t be afraid to ask for what you want in life… not everyone will say yes, but at least you won’t regret it afterwards!

10. Use “I was thinking of asking you to…”

Not everyone is an extrovert who wants to ask their txtmate out on a date in the beginning. That’s why this question works perfectly if you’re not sure how to ask someone out via text. It will allow your txt friend to come up with the idea of ​​asking themselves out, even on a date in the near future—which could eventually lead to a real relationship in the future! As I always say, it doesn’t hurt to ask them out for coffee or dinner with this simple question. Besides, getting rejected isn’t so bad as long as you know you tried.

Some people are introverts who are too shy to ask their friends out on a face-to-face date. This is not uncommon at all, so don’t be ashamed if you are one of them. That’s why this article was created in the first place! I hope that helped answer how to ask someone out via text for those who wanted to know… and as always, thanks for reading!

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