How do I know if he cares about me? Here is the answer in 3 points!

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How do I know if he cares about me?Men are known to have problems with communication, and even more so when the questions revolve around how they feel. They were always told that you have to be strong and not show your weaknesses because they are boys. So inevitable after hearing that throughout their youth it leaves traces! Sometimes even after months of dating you can wonder what he has in mind, if he really likes you and how to know if he cares about me as much as I care about him. While there’s nothing more frustrating than dating a guy who won’t open his heart, you’d rather keep it all to yourself for fear of scaring him off.

You really don’t want him to feel like you’re putting a noose around his neck because he might leave. But at the same time you know how you feel and you would like to not only reciprocate but also show you that he cares. You’ll also want to get into his thoughts to find out why it’s hard for him to show you his feelings, what he thinks about your relationship, or just what he thinks about you!

But how to think like a man and above all how to know if a man cares about us? For once, it’s a male trainer who will answer you! I am aware that the male gender is not always easy to understand and that is why I wanted to bring you these 3 keys that will allow you not to make mistakes and have the best possible analysis about the man you are attracted to. And that regardless of whether you are already in a relationship or yearning for one! By following these tips you will know if he cares for you or not…

Know what a a man expects from a relationshipknowing what he thinks about a couple or the possibility of a couple is important if you want to manage to balance your emotions and therefore not get carried away.

Some of the women I accompany during sentimental coaching sessions, and you are probably in the same situation, are honored to know exactly what their partner is thinking deep inside. With that, wondering how he feels about me and finding the answer on your own allows you to behave better and, above all, adjust your attitude towards the other.

This way you show less acquired, and inevitably this is what enables the attraction to start or restart. But that is not all. By asking yourself how to know if he cares about me, you will also be able to make sure of his feelings, consider the relationship from a more serious angle and above all know if it is worth it. fight for this story or not.

I want to know what he thinks about me to convince me!

When we ask ourselves what if he cares about me Where how do i know if he means me when we are not together it is not insignificant. It’s not just about thinking like him, but above all be confident in your intentions. Be careful, this does not mean that it is a bad reason, on the contrary. You just have to understand your behavior and avoid hiding your face or worse falling into a form of paranoia.

In most cases, you need love, affection and icing on the cake to know if he is faithful or not. And it’s impossible to blame yourself when you’re looking for signs of love. With many of the women I train, there is this fear of losing him, this fear of being alone, whether it’s after 6 months of a relationship or even after 10 years.

Actually when we ask how to know what he thinks or if he misses me, there is a fundamental question. The latter is this: does he really love me (if we’re in a relationship) or will he really commit (if you’re still in the seduction phase).

And if the answer is yes, it inevitably gives you confidence and makes you want to go even further with it!

I want to know his feelings before I move on!

Speaking of commitment, this is another reason why you wonder if he cares about you. Indeed, you need to feel that your man is on the same wavelength as you and that he shares your desire to move in the same direction.

Indeed, and especially at the beginning of a relationship, it is important to move forward at the same pace. If your target senses that you are going too fast and that you are constantly accelerating while he is braking, this will automatically create an imbalance. And this is therefore absolutely what must be avoided in order to avoid a false start.

Regularly wondering how to know if he loves me or how to know if he really likes me, can help to better decode the desires of the man in question. But be careful not to fixate! I see too many women give all your energy for people who don’t try. A relationship must be balanced if you really want to be happy and thus be able to please each other and maintain good self-esteem.

You don’t have to wonder after you’ve gotten involved and after you’ve declared your love how to know if a man cares about you it is from the beginning of the relationship or as soon as you feel that he is distancing himself. You deserve a man who gets involved. If you don’t want to go too fast, you must register the follow me running away from you technique that I explain in this article.

But that’s not all, by answering the question of how to know if he cares about me, you will be able to know if your story can be peaceful or if you will regularly pass through areas of turbulence.

Because testing if he cares about you lets you know if your story is sustainable!

Let’s face it, you won’t get the answer by typing a test to find out if he cares about me! Indeed, one day you will feel that he is very attached, and the next day that he is moving away a little.

But it’s like that for every story. They are there definitely ups and downs. Simply, you have to measure the aspect that will matter. This is the “satisfaction rate”.

If your man is happy with you, then there is a good chance that your story will be sustainable, even if it is not “perfect”. Besides, no story is really like that don’t demand perfection. From the moment you tell yourself that he cares about me and that we are having a good time, it means that you both have a chance to move on.

However, it will be necessary to further improve your relationship and continue to seduce him, make him commit more. If you are not sure how to proceed, I refer you to my training to seduce a man and make him commit is available here !

Now that you know why it’s important to know if a man cares about you, I’d like to talk about the signs that show he cares about you.

When we ask ourselves how do i know if he cares about me it shouldn’t be based on his words alone, he also misses the sweet words he can say. Although important, they are not a reliable index by themselves. So we need more elements to really believe him.

I have identified 3 main ones here signs that tell if a man cares about a woman or not.

He cares about me when he includes me in his plans…

You must be aware that a man will hardly tell you clearly that you are his everything and that he loves you, especially at the beginning of a relationship.

However, it is necessary to know how to analyze his words and gestures because he can express himself unconsciously. So a man who includes you in his projectswho talks about the future, even though these are not necessarily important things, they can be, for example, holidays, so he is a man who takes the initiative and who makes an indirect commitment.

Let me tell you that it is an excellent thing, especially if you fall in love on your side!

He doesn’t hide me! Does he have feelings for me?

Do his family or friends know you? Or has he tried to meet you, but so far it has not been possible? This is a clear sign that you are important to him.

Some women are with men who are not only distant but do nothing to help the relationship grow further. To know if he cares about you, you have to base it on the way he feels about you if he includes you in his social circle, in his family (when the relationship becomes longer) this is how sincere and devoted men behave.

If so, then you can consider yourself a special woman in his eyes.

These may not be the attentions they will have every day, but signs of love they will have from time to time. Basically, it should show you that you are a special person for him and so will act accordingly.

Sometimes small things like what you allow decide which movie to choose at the cinema, sometimes it’s more important. A small bouquet of flowers, a surprise restaurant, a small message in the middle of the day to tell you that he misses you or even fulfill your sexual fantasies.

A man who has these reflexes cares for his partner and thinks about her. So we can have concrete answers when we ask ourselves how to know if he has feelings for me or even better if he is in love.

To end this article, I would like to talk to you about coaching anecdote about behavior to avoid.

I recently coached a woman who wondered ” What does he want from me ? and who could not decode the attitudes of her man. However, his companion of just under 8 months operated using the 3 signs listed above. She just didn’t see them. Or rather, she wanted more. He took his time, but still had a positive attitude. She had just been hurt in the past and wanted it always be confident.

In this situation, you have to accept that you are patient and don’t constantly put too much pressure on yourself and/or also put pressure on your man’s shoulders by making too many demands.

Sometimes you have to be patient for a man to consider getting down. background on the relationship or to deal with it. It’s hard to expect a man to commit too quickly and give you complete satisfaction. Therefore, you have to accept the mistakes or rhythm of the other, but also give him time when he tries his best.

If you also want to be guided to better manage your emotions or if you want to initiate actions to move the situation in the right direction, I suggest you book a coaching session with me or a member of my team. To learn more about formulas, simply click on the training tab in the menu at the top right of the screen.

I wish you all the best,

Alex Cormont

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